Living Green Design 2012 Decorator Showcase Living Wall
How can an elegant, traditional entrance to a stately San Francisco home, be re-imagined to be greener and more welcoming, if not otherworldly? Living Green, partnering with Plants On Walls to create a southern exposed vertical melange of succulents and coppery oxalis that morphs into a private shady fern grotto, was part of the solution.
Florafelt Pocket Panel living wall by Davis Dalbok of Living Green Design for the San Francisco Decorator Showcase 2012.
Add the pristine white marble floors that one would find in a rajah's palace or in the fabled Moroccan Casbah Tamador, that the late and great maestro, Luciano tempo, so skillfully restored. Throw in fantastical light fixtures, created by non other than the Luciano himself, and a pair of stunningly beautiful elephants to welcome the weary traveler. Enter The Casbah!
Beside the main entry. 504 pockets await the array of succulents and ferns that will be installed over the next days. The living wall is a temporary display that will host the plant life for the month.
Pipe clamps were used 'lightly' connect to the existing historic structure. Drip trays at the base neatly collect all the moisture and lead it by hoses to a drain.
San Francisco Decorator Showhouse 2012 - Vertical Garden Installation -
The San Francisco Decorator Showhouse is located at 2020 Jackson Street and will be open to the public from April 28th to May 28th.